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Energy authority: Gas storage facilities over 70 percent full

Hungary's gas storage facilities are over 70 percent full, putting the country in the third best position in Europe in terms of the amount of gas stored compared to annual gas consumption, the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH) said on Thursday.

The authority said that on Sept. 19, gas storage facilities were 70.11 percent full and the total volume of gas stored reached 4.44 billion cubic metres. This amount equals 112.26 percent of annual residential gas consumption, it added.

In terms of the amount of gas stored compared to total annual gas consumption, Hungary stood at 40.55 percent, behind two countries that also store transit gas: Austria with 72.91 percent and Slovakia with 53.39 percent.

In line with the schedule included in European Union regulations on gas storage, Hungary must store 35 percent of its five-year average consumption by November 1, which equals 3.65 billion cubic metres, MEKH said. Owing to fast storage filling in Hungary, it already has 42.57 percent of the past five year’s average consumption stored in underground facilities, it added.

“Gas supplies in Hungary are undisturbed and the filling of storage facilities is progressing as normal,” the authority said.

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