Photo: Timothy Allen - Flickr

Drivers beware!

Since the weekend, a speed limit of 50 km/h has been in force along practically the entire length of the Danube embankment road on the Buda side.

Instead of the previously permitted 70 km/h in certain sections, the entire stretch between Árpád Bridge in the north (starting from Tímár utca to be precise) and Rákóczi Bridge in the south is now subject to the speed limit. This is a further measure taken by the Budapest City Council as part of its road safety strategy to reduce the number of serious road accidents. The new speed limit of 50 km/h therefore applies to a stretch of around 8 km, with the exception of the area around zebra crossings or junctions with parallel cycle paths, of course.

More than 50 traffic accidents have occurred on Uferstrasse since 2019, including one fatality. Certain sections, such as opposite the parliament or at the A38 party ship, are also considered critical in terms of car traffic because they are characterised by heavy tourist and pedestrian traffic.


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