Dömötör: EP’s liberal majority benefitting from social media censorship
Fidesz MEP Csaba Dömötör said the European People’s Party (EPP) and the European Parliament’s liberal majority do not support in-depth dialogue on Facebook’s censorship because they benefit from it.
Dömötör told a joint press conference with fellow PfE MEPs that the EP’s Patriots for Europe (PfE) group initiated a separate debate on censorship by Facebook, but this was rejected by the EPP and the assembly’s liberal majority despite Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg having admitted that Facebook had censored content on a political basis.
Dömötör said this censorship had been forced on the social media company by former US President Joe Biden and it had concerned content relating to immigration and corruption cases surrounding Biden’s family.
Though this had been done in the name of combatting fake news, he said, it had turned out that the practice restricted the freedom of speech.
He noted that though Facebook has ended its fact-checking programme in the US, it was still in place in Europe, and the EU was planning to bolster the legal framework of censorship. He said the European Commission was financing groups of activists not elected by voters that functioned as fact-checkers which often came from foreign circles, including those linked to the US Democratic Party.
Dömötör said this meant that EU institutions wanted to uphold “the practice of restricting the freedom of speech” even if this policy has failed in the US.
He said the Patriots group was calling on the EP to set up an investigative committee with a view to uncovering the types of content being censored in Europe.
Dömötör said they also wanted to know who was behind the censorship and “on whose orders”, as well as whether it constituted an interference in the domestic politics of certain European countries.