DK calls on President Sulyok to resign
Prior to the press conference, Dobrev handed over documents to the Chief Prosecutor’s Office which she said had backed up her recent statements alleging that Sulyok as a lawyer had been involved in “illegally transferring Hungarian farmland to foreigners” in the early 2000s.
Dobrev, the leader of the Democratic Coalition-Socialists-Parbeszed-Greens European Parliament list, said the documents provided clear evidence that the president had “committed crimes by illegally transferring Hungarian arable land to foreigners in the form of pocket contracts as a member of a mafia ring in Csongrad County”.
She said she submitted to the chief prosecutor documents signed by Sulyok on a deal concerning a 103-hectare area of farmland.
“No matter what Chief Prosecutor Peter Polt will do with those documents, it will not change the fact that President Tamas Sulyok committed crimes,” she insisted.
In a statement on Wednesday, the president’s office said that President Tamas Sulyok, who has not practised his profession as a lawyer for more than 10 years, had observed all laws in line with his lawyer’s oath and had never been involved in concluding any contracts going against the laws.