DK blames government for ‘one million people without GPs’
Zoltan Komaromi, who is the opposition party’s shadow health minister, insisted that despite repeated warnings by the medical profession, “each measure of the Orbán government does more damage than good”, adding that GPs’ positions in small villages were being left vacant in increasing numbers, which “threatens a situation in which patients cannot receive emergency services, chronic patients will not be treated in a timely manner and screening programmes will be delayed.”
Rather than facilitating an immediate pay rise for health personnel, the government “implements various changes just to make a disastrous health situation even worse”, he said.
Komaromi insisted that 12 percent of GP’s practices, nearly 25 percent of those in villages, were not permanently filled. He said doctors from other practices were “filling in”, which meant that “if somebody gets ill on the wrong day, they will have to seek help elsewhere”.