Czomba: Government to increase employment in 20-64 age group
The government is working to increase employment in the 20-64 age group from the current 80 percent to 85 percent by 2030, Sandor Czomba, state secretary at the economic development ministry, said on Thursday.
Speaking at a job fair organised by business daily Vilaggazdasag, Czomba highlighted the government’s efforts through which one million jobs had been created between 2010 and 2020, increasing the number of people working from 3.7 million to 4.7 million, and reducing the number of people in public works schemes from 300,000 to 70,000. Last year, Hungary’s unemployment rate was brought down to 3.6 percent, putting the country in the forefront of the European Union, Czomba said.
Among the challenges Czomba mentioned downward demographic trends, warning that by 2030 Hungary’s workforce would have diminished by 300,000.