Catholic Bishops’ Conference asks followers to declare faith in national census
“The church is the mysterious manifestation of the body of Christ, so, this way, if we are talking about Christian faith, we are also talking about Christ, whose confession is our calling,” the MKPK said in a statement.
The MKPK noted in connection with the war in Ukraine that its charity has been providing aid in various forms to refugees. Their 950 volunteers and 150 regular staff have helped close to 15,000 war refugees at the Barabas border crossing point. The charity has delivered 150 million forints’ (EUR 380,000) worth of aid containing food, hygienic and child-care products, medical supplies and vans, in partnership with the Catholic charity of Mukachevo (Munkacs), it said.
The Hungarian charity has also launched a long-term aid programme to support war refugees staying in Hungary. It will provide them assistance in finding accommodation and jobs, general administration and enrolling children in schools, with a view to aiding their integration and helping them start a new life, the MKPK said.