The Elizabeth Bridge will also be lit up – Photo: wikipedia

Budapest landmarks lit up in red to highlight issue of persecuted Christians

Several landmarks in Budapest are being lit up in red on Wednesday in order to highlight the plight of persecuted Christians around the world, Azbej Tristan, the state secretary for assisting persecuted Christians told public broadcaster M1.

The initiative dubbed “Red Wednesday” is about commemorating persecuted Christians around the world, including the dozens of people killed each day for their Christian faith, and to raise awareness of the issue, he said.

Whenever Christians are killed because of their faith, it often leaves the public cold, he said. This is why the Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) international initiative is so important, he added.

Among the landmarks being lit up are Elizabeth Bridge, the statue of St. Gellert, the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Orthodox Cathedral of the Mother of God, the Reformed Church in Szilagyi Dezso Square and the Lutheran Church of Budavar.

The state secretary noted that around 3,000 Christians are killed each year because of their faith. “Christianity is currently the most persecuted religion in the world,” Azbej insisted.

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