Breakthrough in solar energy
Last year, a quarter of domestic electricity generation came from PV systems, which is the highest proportion on the European continent. Hungary achieved this remarkable development in solar energy even before Greece (22%) and Spain (21%), wrote the Ministry of Energy based on figures from an independent think tank. The progress is impressive: along with the Netherlands, Hungary was the only country to achieve a peak of more than 70 days on which solar power plants can cover over 80% of domestic electricity demand at peak times. This is a significant improvement on 2023, when only ten such days were recorded.
With the support of the Paks nuclear power plant, Hungary can already cover its domestic demand exclusively from climate-neutral sources in favourable weather conditions. In addition, a proportion of the electricity generated is increasingly being exported. At the beginning of 2025, Hungary has a cumulative solar capacity of more than 7,550 MW, a quarter more than originally estimated for 2030. Around four-fifths of today’s installed capacity has only been in operation since 2020. In three consecutive years, domestic solar capacities have been increased by at least 1,200 MW each time. The new target of the National Energy and Climate Plan is 12,000 MW, which is to be achieved by the beginning of the next decade.