The building of the European Parliament in Brussels – Photo: wikipedia

Boka: Conflict with EU not in the interest of Hungarian government

The Hungarian government has no interest in maintaining a conflict with the European Union, only EU institutions benefit from it, state secretary and Hungary's incoming minister for EU affairs Janos Boka said on Saturday during a debate at a festival organised by the Mathias Corvinus Collegium in Esztergom.

Boka compared EU institutions to “a crisis factory”, as they always emerged from crises strengthened, at the expense of the independence and powers of member states.

Boka said conflict between the European Commission and the Hungarian government stems from differing views on the nature and functioning of the EU, and from the EC’s political perception of its role. The conflict does not indicate our lack of ability to assert our interests, but rather our principled position, he added.

On the topic of Hungary leaving the EU, Boka said the question does not exist, no one is talking about it and it is not realistic.

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