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Agriculture ministry: Hungarian-Slovak working group meets in Budapest

The Hungarian-Slovak agriculture working group met in Budapest on Wednesday, to discuss current challenges and farmers' opportunities to represent their interests, the agriculture ministry said.

At the meeting between Zsolt Feldman, Hungary’s state secretary for agriculture and rural development, and his Slovak counterpart, Vladimir Vnuk, the officials discussed drives to simplify the Common Agricultural Policy, aiming to ease farmers’ burdens in the wake of EU-wide protests. The Hungarian presidency will be an opportunity to further reduce red tape and to ease conditions for farmers, the ministry said.

Feldman and Vnuk also discussed developments on the grain market, including the effects of EU and international measures in view of the influx of Ukrainian grain into the market.

Hungary and Slovakia are also committed to continue cooperation within BIOEAST, a framework ensuring research and innovation in central and eastern Europe, Feldman and Vnuk said.

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