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Agriculture Minister: German farmers’ protest ‘to define future of European agriculture’

Recent protests mounted by German farmers against subsidy cuts is a move that will "define the future existence of European agriculture", the Hungarian agriculture minister said on Wednesday, indicating Hungarian farmers' solidarity with their German counterparts.

Speaking to public broadcaster M1, Istvan Nagy called it “outrageous” that the German chancellor was still advocating support to Ukraine while his country’s “food sovereignty was at risk” and local farmers were facing serious problems.

“It is clear that the EU’s internal market has turned over; while local farmers must obey rigorous regulations, Brussels has opened the community’s markets to Ukraine where no regulations apply,” said Nagy, expressing Hungarian farmers’ solidarity with their German peers.

Speaking to public radio’s morning programme, Nagy said “the EU’s agricultural sector has never before been so overideologised”. “It is not about Ukrainian farmers any more, but about US, Dutch, German and Saudi Arabian multinational companies that have purchased vast arable lands in Ukraine eyeing the safe EU markets”.

“And they wrap it up in a green ideology, making European farmers feel guilty,” the minister said.

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