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Almost 44,100 people diagnosed with flu-like virus

Last week, 44,100 people in Hungary turned to their GP with a flu-like virus, the National Public Health Centre (NNK) said on Thursday.

Fully 221,400 people complained of an acute respiratory infection between March 13 and 19, the centre said.

Of those with a flu-like virus, 43 percent were below the age of 15, while 28,9 percent were 15-34. Fully 7.3 percent were 60 or above.

Last week, 269 people were hospitalised with an acute respiratory infection, 40 of whom needed intensive care. Some 23.8 percent of all patients were aged 2 or below, while 52 percent were 60 or above.

Among hospitalised patients, 42 were diagnosed with influenza, 87 with SARS-CoV and 31 with RSV. Some 79.3 percent of Covid-19 patients were aged 60 or older.

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