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Sentiment barometer suggests deep crisis

Not since the global economic crisis of 2008 have companies assessed the state of the Hungarian economy so badly.

This statement was made by the Kopint-Tárki economic research institute, which is critical of the government and regularly surveys sentiment in the manufacturing sector.

Since the third quarter of 2021, an unstoppable downward trend has been observed; apart from the short-term outlook, the economic situation is now considered even worse than at the time of the coronavirus pandemic. The mood among large companies is particularly tragic. According to Kopint-Tárki, not a single top manager surveyed in this group of companies expects Hungary’s economy to recover in the next six months.

According to the latest survey, half of all companies are in a ‘satisfactory’ situation, while 27% rate their own situation as good. The capacity utilisation indicator is stable at below 70 points and the order situation is catastrophic.


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