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Experience vs. high salary

The biggest challenge for companies is to find employees with the right skills, while applicants have high salary expectations.

The main criterion for employee selection is the required professional experience, according to the specialist portal 75% of companies cite this for office staff and 64% for production employees. Salary requirements follow with 54% and 49% respectively. Qualifications also play a decisive role: 56% of employers rate qualifications as essential for knowledge workers, compared to 45% for production specialists. Interestingly, the value of a degree for knowledge workers has decreased since last year.

57% of employers think applicants’ salary expectations are too high. However, job seekers are not willing to compromise as salary is the most important factor in their job search. Only 13% of companies include salary information in all job adverts, with a further 31% doing so occasionally. A quarter of the companies surveyed complain that applicants often ignore the job requirements. In addition, 25% of employers see deficits in candidates’ motivation and skills. Mobility is a problem for 17%, as many applicants are not prepared to commute or relocate.


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