Fidesz MEPs: Brussels still pressuring Hungary on LGBTQ, migrants issues
The ruling party MEPs said the left wing in the EP expected the government to accede to its demand to allow “propaganda into Hungarian kindergartens and schools” and migrants to settle in the country.
A delegation of the EP’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) will visit Hungary on Wednesday, the statement noted. “The delegation is full of people from the European left’s pro-migration party and LGBTQ activists,” it added.
“It is obvious that ever since the child protection package was passed, Brussels and the Soros network have intensified their attacks on Hungary,” they said, adding that their standpoint had not changed: children needed protection against “aggressive LGBTQ propaganda” and Hungarian parents have the sole right to decide on the sex education of their children.
In the government’s National Consultation survey, 97 percent of respondents were in favor of rules to curb “sex propaganda” around children, the statement said.