ChristDem MP: Regional cooperation to benefit Central Europe in long run

Regional cooperation gives central Europe an opportunity to be one of the winners of the coming decades, Lorinc Nacsa, a spokesman for the co-ruling Christian Democrats, told a conference in Warsaw on Monday.

“Economic opportunity and growth in the European Union are called central Europe today,” Nacsa told the Three Seas Initiative conference of young lawmakers. Economic activity in central and eastern Europe has returned to pre-pandemic levels, but it could take months before the same could be said for western Europe, he said.

Nacsa underscored the importance of regional cooperation, saying that the CEE countries needed to demonstrate their strength and competitiveness in the changing geopolitical and global economic landscape. He said security, political stability and economic growth had become competitive advantages for the region.

At the same time, the CEE countries need to make use of untapped opportunities and should think regionally about many issues, Nacsa said. This requires partnerships, infrastructure development and finding common ground, he added.

Nacsa said he was convinced that regional cooperation gave central Europe an opportunity to be one of the winners of the coming decades. “This is another reason why Hungary is a committed and active member of those initiatives,” he added.

The conference will cover topics such as infrastructure development, the role of national parliaments, energy supply, joint action on issues concerning the EU and cultural cooperation.

The conference was opened by Elzbieta Witek, the speaker of the Polish Sejm, Zbigniew Rau, Poland’s foreign minister, and Estonian speaker of parliament Juri Ratas.

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