Opposition slams government for lacklustre preparation for 2nd wave, economic crisis

Orbán: Hungary better prepared than in spring

Hungary is better prepared to face the coronavirus pandemic now than when it first emerged in the spring, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in parliament on Monday. Opposition parties, however, have slammed the government for what they claim have been its lacklustre preparations for ...

Government to extend loan repayment moratorium by six months

The government will extend for another six months the moratorium on loan repayments introduced in the spring to ease the economic fallout from the coronavirus crisis, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said after the meeting of the Economic Operative Corps.

New line would be suitable for trains up to a speed of 350 km/h

High-speed rail link next top Slovak-Hungarian transport project

The next most important joint Hungarian-Slovak transport project is the construction of a high-speed railway connecting Budapest, Bratislava and Warsaw, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said.

PCR tests free of charge if ordered by GP

PCR tests to ascertain the presence of novel coronavirus will continue to be provided free of charge to patients if the test is prescribed by their general physician, a state secretary of the prime minister's cabinet said on Facebook.

DK: Government has lost control over handling of crisis

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his government "have lost control over" the handling of both the novel coronavirus epidemic and the economic crisis resulting from it, the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) said on Friday.