Factory gate prices up by 29 percent in February

Factory gate prices in Hungary rose by 29.0 percent year-on-year in February, driven by dearer energy and commodities, and the weaker forint, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said on Friday.

Trade gap widens in January

Hungary had a 413 million euro trade deficit in January, a second reading of data released by the Central Statistical Office (KSH) on Friday shows.

NBH governor addresses Boao Forum for Asia

Achieving environmental sustainability is the biggest challenge of the 21st century, Gyorgy Matolcsy, governor of the National Bank of Hungary (NBH), told the Boao Forum for Asia conference in China's southern Hainan province on Wednesday, urging a transition from quantitative to qualitative growth in ...

Central bank leaves base rate unchanged at 13 percent

Hungarian central bank rate-setters left the base rate of 13 percent unchanged at a regular policy meeting on Tuesday. At the last policy meeting on Feb. 28, the Monetary Council stuck to the base rate maintained since last September, while keeping the one-day deposit ...

Gross wages up 16.1 percent in January

In January 2023 full-time employees’ gross average earnings were HUF 528,000 and average net earnings with tax benefits reached HUF 363,900. Average gross earnings grew by 16.1%, and average net earnings were 16.0% higher than a year earlier.

Hungary GDP at 77 percent of EU average

Hungarian GDP is 77 percent of the European Union average, up from 75 percent in 2022, the head of the prime minister's office said on Friday, adding that its performance belied the "crowing of leftist experts and the opinions of the central bank".