Industrial prices down by 3 percent in March

Industrial prices in Hungary dropped by an annual 3.0 percent in March, falling for the eighth month in a row after rising for years, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said on Tuesday.

March jobless rate 4.4 percent

Hungary's jobless rate was 4.4 percent in March, down from 4.6 percent in February, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said on Friday.

Gross wages climb 14 percent in February

The average gross wage in Hungary rose by an annual 14.0 percent to 605,400 forints (EUR 1540) in February, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said on Wednesday.

Varga: IMF says Hungary’s economy to return to growth this year

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts the Hungarian economy returning to growth this year and taking its place in the vanguard of the EU's growth performers next year, Mihaly Varga, the finance minister, said on Tuesday, adding that the IMF prognosis echoes that of ...

Industrial output up 1.8 percent in February

Headline industrial output rose by 1.8 percent in February 2024 compared with the same period last year, the Central Statistical Office said in a second reading of data on Friday.