Nagy: Still not enough!
‘We have to get involved in the corporate credit segment, because 3% growth is too little,’ said the Minister of Economics on Info-Radio.

Number of arrivals up by 11 percent
In December 2024, nearly 1.3 million guests spent 2.9 million tourism nights at tourist (commercial, private and other) accommodation establishments. The number of tourist arrivals was 11% and that of tourism nights 8.4% higher than a year earlier. The number of nights spent by ...

Deficit significantly reduced
‘Despite adverse circumstances, the Orbán government has succeeded in reducing the budget deficit from 6.7% to an expected 4.8% in 2024,’ commented the Ministry of Economy on the detailed figures.

KSH: Average gross wage in Hungary rose 11.9% year-on-year in November
Net wages climbed at the same pace to HUF 462,200. Real wages rose 7.9pc, calculated with a November CPI of 3.7pc.

Construction drops 1.7 percent
Construction output volume, based on raw data, lagged behind the previous year’s level by 1.7% in November 2024. Out of the main groups of construction the construction of buildings lessened by 9.0%, that of civil engineering increased by 8.2%. Based on seasonally and working ...

Nagy: 2025 will be the year of families and SMEs
Minister Nagy said households had felt the positive turnaround from September already and the trend would continue in 2025.

Full-year inflation below 4 percent
In December 2024, consumer prices were 4.6% higher on average than a year earlier and 0.5% higher than in the previous month. In 2024, prices were up by 3.7% on average compared to the previous year.

Retail sales grow by 4.1 percent
In November 2024, the volume of retail trade was 3.7% higher in raw data, or 4.1% higher in calendar-adjusted terms, than in the same month of the previous year. Compared to the same period of the previous year, calendar-adjusted sale volumes expanded by 5.3% ...

Industrial production drops by 4.2 percent
The volume of industrial production lagged behind in November 2024 by 4.2%, production based on working-day adjusted data declined by 2.9%, year-on-year. According to seasonally and working-day adjusted data, industrial output was 1.6% lower than in October 2024.

Industrial producer prices up by nearly 8 percent
Industrial producer prices were 7.9% higher on average in November 2024 than one year earlier. Domestic output prices were 3.2% and non-domestic output prices 10.2% higher than in November 2023. The price rise was primarily caused by the weakening of the forint exchange rate ...