EU RRF credit ‘not the most suitable’ for achieving national goals
Hungary's government decided earlier that European Union credit available in the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) didn't dovetail with national targets, state secretary for EU developments Szabolcs Agosthazy said in an interview published in Monday's issue of business daily Vilaggazdasag.
Government looking into extending loan moratorium for vulnerable
The government will decide whether to uphold the loan moratorium for vulnerable borrowers after consultation with the Hungarian Banking Association and the National Bank of Hungary (NBH), a government official said.
Hungary cryptocurrency provisions could serve as model and raise revenue
The Hungarian government's proposed legislation regulating capital gains from cryptocurrencies and taxing them at a rate of 15 percent could serve as a paradigm for other policy makers as well as boost budget revenue, tax affairs state secretary Norbert Izer said in Thursday's issue ...

Construction sector output rebounds from low base in March
Output of Hungary's construction sector rose by an annual 4.3 percent in March, after contracting in the base period as the country went into pandemic lockdown, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said on Thursday.

Projection for average growth for the EU is 4.2 percent
EC raises Hungary 2021 GDP growth forecast to 5 percent
The European Commission has projected the Hungary GDP will grow by 5.0 percent this year, in a spring economic forecast published on Wednesday. The projection was raised from 4.0 percent in the EC's winter forecast released in February.

Menczer: Six countries agree to recognise Hungarian immunity certificate
Gulyas: Hungary ‘first to overcome pandemic’
Hungary has been "the first to overcome the coronavirus pandemic" enabling its economy to recover earlier than in other countries, the head of the Prime Minister's Office told regional daily Eszakmagyarorszag.

Industrial output up 16.5 percent yr/yr in March
Hungarian industrial output grew by an annual 16.5 percent in March, up from 1.9 percent in February, according to a second reading of data released by the Central Statistical Office (KSH) on Wednesday.

Government submits plan for tapping EU’s recovery fund
The government on Tuesday submitted Hungary's plan for utilising the European Union's Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) which covers more than 2,500 billion forints (EUR 7bn) worth of strategic development projects over the next six years, the state secretary in charge of EU developments ...
Inflation 5.1 percent in April
Hungary's consumer price index increased by an annual 5.1 percent in April, the Central Statistical Office (KSH) said on Tuesday.

Finance minister announces 2022 tax cuts
Finance Minister Mihaly Varga on Tuesday announced measures to cut and streamline taxes next year that the government will soon propose to lawmakers.