The Chilean artist’s performance captivated the Budapest audience, in return, Tita Iacobelli was enchanted by Budapest

After Chile, French Guiana, Belgium, Italy, Poland, Spain, France, Austria and Slovenia, the Belova-Iacobelli Theatre Company could finally come to Budapest with their theatre performance ’Chayka’. The Budapest premier of the performance was made possible thanks to Vintage Beauty, the cosmetic company with the most international recognitions in our country. It is unusual for brand to be involved in the organization of a theatre performance. The company wanted to celebrate their 10th birthday with this performance in 2020. Because of the closures due to the coronavirus, the Budapest audience had to wait almost two years for the international award-winning production.
28. September 2022 17:24

The performance of the Belova-Iacobelli Theatre Company is a special puppetry where Chayka is an actress who, as her final role, can play the part of Arkadina in Chekhov’s ’The Seagull’. During the performance, however, she drifts back to the past. There, she reconnects with the young actress she once was when she played another role – that of Nina.

In the role of Chayka on stage, the audience could see Tita Iacobelli whose performance captivated the Budapest audience, while the artist was enchanted by Budapest.

„Audiences between countries change, there is no doubt. I have been very impressed by the attention of the public during the show, reading the subtitles and at the same time seeing the show demands a lot of concentration and even so I felt the reactions during the show. And the final applause was a party. With that vital rhythm it almost makes me dance. It was a very powerful response, It moves me a lot” – said Tita Iacobelli about her experiences in Budapest.

The stage-play talks about the passing of time

„We first saw this piece in Belgium” – says Gábor Szakonyi, owner of Vintage Beauty and the main organizer of the Hungarian performances, about how the Budapest performance was made possible. „We  don’t speak Spanish, yet we felt that the stage-play talks about a layer of the passing of time, one that is in line with our company’s philosophy. We knew we wanted to show this tot he Hungarian audience as well. Even if not on our birthday, but two years later our dream came true.”

Budapest is very moving

The Chilean artist has spent almost a week in Budapest and she was enchanted by the city: „I took advantage of every moment I had to go for a walk, visit museums, and get on the tram to see where it took me… very interesting. Fascinating to climb to the top and stare at the green hills on one side and the imposing city on the other, with that wonderful Danube and so full of history… very moving.”

Every performance questions our human condition

The artist hopes to return to Hungary with her theatre company, with the performance ’Loco’ which was created together with Natacha Belova. „The play is an adaptation of Gogol’s ’The Diary of a Madman’. The main character is a puppet of a lonely man – manipulated by two actresses – who displays an extraordinary imagery on stage. And we are already working on a third show, always with the particularity of the puppet questioning the actor, questioning our human condition” – said Tita Iacobelli after the highly successfull performances.


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