A scene from Jan Holobuek's 25 Years of Innocence

Polish Spring Film Festival to show The Primate, two Hungarian premieres

This year's Polish Spring Film Festival, to be held from May 6 to 10, will feature five films, including one about Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, a mayor figure of 20th-century Polish history, the organiser has said.
6. May 2021 7:03

The festival held online will open with the premiere of Jan Holobuek’s 25 Years of Innocence, a true-life drama film of a young Polish man wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for 25 years for rape and murder of a 15 year-old girl, the Polish Institute told MTI.

The other premiere will be Never Cry, written and directed by Piotr Domalewski, about 17-year-old Ola who travels alone to Ireland to arrange for the funeral of her father. The film will be shown as the closing event on May 10.

The drama The Primate – Three Years Out of a Thousand directed by Teresa Kotlarczyk will be streamed on May 9. The film pays tribute to Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, head of the Catholic Church in Poland from 1949 until his death in 1981. Wyszynski was one of the most important figures of Polish 20th-century history, and also one of the best-known victims of Stalinist-era repression in Eastern Europe. The film focuses on the period of September 1953 and October 1956 when the cardinal was imprisoned in an attempt to curb his staunch anti-Communist’s influence in Polish society.

For programme details visit https://instytutpolski.pl/budapest/2021/04/27/27-lengyel-filmtavasz-online/

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