Exhibition heralds International Eucharistic Congress
Paintings “In the Shadow of God” on display
The display called “In the Shadow of God” shows the works of painters Mihály Gál and Gábor Tóth, and can be seen until September 31, 2021 at the Benczúr Hotel, Benczúr utca 35, District VI, Budapest.
The exhibition takes an ecumenical form and was opened by the curator of the Gallery of Young Artists, Péter Bézi, on August 25. In attendance were the founder of János Nagy Ankh Church, János Nagy, and Zsófia Pásztor, a Methodist pastor. Also, painter Ferenc Kesztyűs gave a greeting.
The Ambassador of Algeria to Hungary, Ali Mokrani, attended the opening as a special guest.
Lilla Kincses plays at the exhibition
From left, artist Gábor Tóth, poetry performer Sándor Nyiba, artist Mihály Gál and curator Péter Bézi.